Category: Google My Business

How to Share Access to Google My Business

Adding a user to your Google My Business is a simple process with only a few steps. Follow our guide to get started! Step 1 Go to and sign into your account. Step 2 On the left side of the page, click Users. Step 3 On the Users page, click the Add users button. […]

Written by on May 26, 2021

Google My Business’ FREE Marketing Kit for Local Businesses

Finished setting up your Google My Business account? Well, there’s no stopping there. Google has a great tool for local businesses! It’s called the Marketing Kit for Local Businesses, and it has a host of awesome things you can use to make your business thrive online and in your store.

Written by on July 8, 2020

Am I eligible for Google My Business?

Google My Business has quickly turned into the most important place on the Internet for local businesses. The Google My Business listing has become more commonly visited than business’ websites and supplementary listings. This has effectively changed the way in which we do business online, and in the SEO world, it has defined the way we interact with SEO key phrases and listing rankings.

Written by on July 5, 2020