Turn Searches Into Sales!

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Searchalytics’ Social Marketing Tool
As a small business owner, you’re tasked with an insane amount of things to accomplish


Searchalytics and Listing Builder: The Keys to the Internet Kingdom
One of the ways that people can get the word about their business is something


What is a listing?
While these are both things that are important, one of the biggest ways that businesses


What are citations for local businesses?
Ever wondered if there was an official term for “getting your name out there”? Well,


The Sales Funnel and How it Works
The search intent is a great way to segment and develop things within the SEO


The Review Market is Real
Since I’ve started writing about local business online tactics, one fact has become VERY apparent:


Search Intent: Purposes and What it Means
The world of SEO and digital marketing can seem like it’s a job too large


Reviews, Their Importance, and How to Make Them Work for You

One of the cool things about having a virtual marketplace is that it serves as


How to Use Advertising Intelligence
It’s easy to think that advertising is as easy as dumping money into Internet ads


How to Use Google Trends to Influence Advertising Spend After COVID-19
There’s no doubt that businesses have taken a huge hit due to the COVID-19 outbreak.


turn searches into sales