Turn Searches Into Sales!

Published February 8, 2022

The Importance of a Great Plumbing Website


We know driving more leads is a huge priority for any business website. After all, before making a buying decision, most consumers look to company websites to help them make smarter decisions. When done right, a great website can drive leads, instill trust and confidence, and show the value the business brings to consumers. Let’s dig a little deeper and learn how important it really is to have great website design.

1. The Goal is to Drive Leads

One of the most essential things a great website can do for plumbing company marketing is drive leads.

Can we stop here for and a moment and have a heart-to-heart?


Too many agencies focus on vanity metrics when in reality, revenue is the only metric that really matters. That couldn’t be us at Searchalytics! We love ALL THE DATA don’t get me wrong because more calls and more traffic lead to more business, but revenue is the primary focus. 

Unnecessary analogy – Lets really hammer this idea home and since I’m a football fanatic, I thought I’d throw in an analogy with one of the greatest NFL coaching rants. Just imagine Herm saying: THE GOAL IS TO EARN REVENUE! 

A great website has excellent calls to action and can drive plumbing leads in the following ways:

    • Drive phone calls
    • Book a service
    • Drive chats: If your website is optimized for chats, users can connect with you when needed rather than calling. This is an ever-increasing preferred form of communication by many online users.
    • Drive foot traffic to your showroom
    • Form completions for a job estimate
    • Earn email subscribers

All of these actions work together with quality content that help you drive quality leads — that is, leads that are more likely to make a purchase.

2. The Website Should be a Living, Breathing Part of Business

Too many business owners we meet believe that once the website design is complete, it doesn’t need to be touched until the design becomes stale in 6 years. This is NOT the case!

Our SEO plans include new content creation every month to continually work for your plumbing business to drive more traffic to the website.

Additionally, if your site is stale now – should you increase Google Ads budgets or work on SEO? Or what if your website could drive more leads with the existing traffic!? The website should continually be tested to drive up the percentage of website visitors who call your business. It could be a design tactic OR a marketing tactic like a sale/special.

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Free Plumbing Website Audit to Earn More

  • Clicks & Website Visits
  • Phone Calls & Revenue

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3. Increase Brand Awareness, Trust, & Credibility

Your website lets potential customers know you exist and that you’re open for business. When users search for “plumbers near me” or “commercial plumbers” or “water softener installation” in a search engine, they are presented with a list of websites that can offer what they’re looking for. If you don’t have a website, customers won’t know you exist. But just having a website isn’t the end game here — you’ve got to have a great website.

A great website includes the following elements: 

  • business name, address and phone number
  • any additional contact information
  • important details such as available hours
  • the areas or locations in which you operate
  • the services and products you provide

When done right, a great business website will increase trust and credibility among customers. Not only does having a website let users know your business is legitimate, but having a cohesive look and feel with text that reads well and speaks to the consumer lets them know they can trust you to perform the services you offer.

4. Maximizing Website Traffic and ROAS

Your plumbing company’s website should also be optimized for both SEO (search engine optimization) and pay-per-click (PPC) ads found in search engines like Google. This has several benefits, including helping your site to rank better organically so that you show up when users search for you or the types of services you offer.

For a more in-depth review of each of these topics, check out our Top 10 Keys to Running a Successful Google Ads Account for Plumbing Companies and our Top 10 Tactics for Plumber SEO.

Optimize Plumbing Website for SEO

Optimizing your website for SEO includes several different things. For one, you’ll need to make sure that all of the services and/or products your business offers are listed on your website, preferably on separate pages that each have their own URL. Not only does this make them searchable in Google, but it also tells Google that you offer these products and services, which will help your site rank higher than another site that doesn’t have these specific pages.

Second, since your website is linked to your Google My Business listing, the information like business name, address and phone number should be the same on your site and your Google listing. If this information is different, Google will flag it and you may not be searchable.

There are other things that go into optimizing your website for SEO, including making sure site schema is up to date (this is the code on your site that makes information more easily accessible to site crawlers), meta titles and descriptions exist and are properly descriptive, and more. In working with Searchalytics as your digital marketing agency, we’ll make sure your website is well positioned to rank high in Google, setting you up for success.

Optimize Plumbing Website for Digital Ads

Optimizing your website for pay-per-click ads, such as the ads seen when performing a Google search, is key, since all of your Google Ads include links that direct users to your website.

On clicking a search ad and being directed to your site, a user will need to immediately see content regarding the ad they clicked on. For example, if your plumbing ad on Google tells users you offer emergency plumbing services, the page the user lands on will need to talk about emergency services offered. If it doesn’t, the user will lose confidence in your site and return to Google to perform another search to find what they’re looking for.

Conversions are also important. Once a user lands on your site from clicking a Google ad, they’ll need to be able to complete a conversion. Creating accurate conversions within the account will help you determine success. Conversions include anything from making a purchase to filling out a form, making an appointment, clicking to chat or call with you, or something else. Conversions serve to create leads, so the more accurate you can set up conversion tracking in your ads account, the more success you’ll have.

These are only a few reasons why it’s important to optimize your site for Google Ads, which directly impacts your eventual cost per click and affects your cost per lead. Our team of experts at Searchalytics will work with you to create an ads account that accurately reflects your business and positions you for success.

It’s clear to see the importance of a great website. Investing in a top-rate business website will create a meaningful first impression, helping you drive quality leads that allow your business to grow.

Let’s Get Started!

Free Plumbing Website Audit to Earn More

  • Clicks & Website Visits
  • Phone Calls & Revenue

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By Sergey Savin

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